5 Ways to Care for Yourself During the Supreme Court Hearing and Afterwards


If you’ve turned on your television, looked at social media, or listened to the radio over the past week or so, you probably haven’t been able to escape the most recent round of conversations about sexual assault. You may have worn black on Monday in support of Dr. Blasey Ford, you have likely seen, if not participated in, the #Ibelieve or “WhyIdidn’ttell hashtags. You may be feeling energized, angry, sad, and/or overwhelmed as you are bombarded by the statements and questions that are being repeated around you.

Everyone needs to CHOOSE the way they will interact with the media around them.

For myself, I have decided to respond to the heartfelt conversation starters, ignore the quick memes (possibly liking them but not sharing them), and limit what I have to say because I don’t want to accidentally cause pain to people in my life.

Instead, I have offered (and offer below) cat pictures for people who need a brief distraction or reminder that there is good, soft, and fluffy in the world.


If you are looking for individualized support and live in California, Dr. Camilla Williams could be a great resource for your needs. To feel supported and heard, contact Dr. Camilla today.

Dr. Camilla only has a few available time slots left on her schedule so if you want to work with her, please do set up an appointment today.


In support and in solidarity,

Dr. Camilla Williams

PSY 27200


Wanda Swan is the director of a violence prevention and advocacy program for a private university in Atlanta, Georgia. Additionally, she owns a small business called Seed of the Free (https://www.seedofthefreellc.com/home.html) where she caters to our petty impulses in the fight against oppression in the form of novelty stationery, pins, and mugs. But what I most want to highlight is the new podcast that she has started with Dr. Shannan Palma of Agnes Scott College: “Once Upon a Patriarchy” (https://onceuponapatriarchy.com). This podcast is quite new, with episode 2 being recently released. The first episode focused on all of the variations of the story “The Little Mermaid” and the second analyzed the stories of “Beauty and the Beast.”

I invite you to check out these amazing women and the good that they are doing in their communities. I am proud to call them friends and grateful that they have been a part of my life.


We Mourn. We Act.


Transgender Health and Wellness Day 2018